
«Солнце превратится во тьму и луна - в кровь, прежде нежели наступит день Господень, великий и страшный.» Иоиль 2:31«The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.» Joel 2:31
That Jew Died For You - Этот Еврей умер за тебя

среда, 22 октября 2014 г.

Daughter of the famous preacher Billy Graham Anne Graham

Daughter of the famous preacher Billy Graham Anne Graham participated in a TV program devoted to the events of 11 September 2001 (act of terrorism). The question leading Kleyson Jane: "How could God let this happen?" Anne Graham gave an answer. 

"I believe that God is just like us, deeply saddened by what happened. But we were driven over the years God out of our schools, of our government, of our lives. And I think that God, being a gentleman, just retreated. 

Can we expect God's blessing and protection, if we at the same time demanding that he leave us? "

Let's remember ... I think it started when Madeleine Murray O'Hare (she was murdered, her body found recently) said that the school is not a place of prayer, and we said, "Okay." 

Then someone said it would be better if the school does not read the Bible (the Bible, which says: "Thou shalt not kill," "Thou shalt not steal" and "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself!"). 

And we said, "Okay." 

Then Dr. Benjamin Spock said we should not use corporal punishment to our children when they misbehave because we hurt them this little person - we can ruin their self-esteem (Dr. Spock's son committed suicide). 

And we said, "He - the expert and knows what he is talking." And so we said, "Okay." 

Then someone said teachers and principals can not punish our children. A school administration was strictly forbidden to even touch their teachers delinquent students, because they do not want bad publicity and even more so they do not want to answer for it before the court (there is a big difference between punishment and touch, flogging, humiliation, beating, and so on. d.). 

And we said, "Okay." 

Then someone said, "Let's solve our daughters have abortions if they want it. They do not even have to tell their parents." And we said, "Okay." 

Then some wise school board member said, "The boys will always be boys and will always do it. So let's give our sons as many condoms as they want, so they can have fun, as they please. And we do not have to tell their parents that they got them at school. "And we said, "Okay." 

Then one of us selected a supreme authority said that no matter what we in the private life, if we do our job well. And agreeing with this, we were told that we do not care who (including the president) than in private life is involved, if we have a job with the economy and everything is in order. 

Then someone said, "Let's print magazines with pictures of naked women and call it a healthy practice Highly rated beauty of the female body." And we said, "Okay." 

Then some went with this high ratings even further and began to publish photographs of nude children and then further, putting them on the Internet. And we said, "Well, they have freedom of speech." 

Then the entertainment industry said, "Let's make movies and TV shows that promote violence, blasphemy and forbidden sex. And let's record music that encourages the use of drugs, rape, murder, suicide, and satanic." 

And we said, "It's just entertainment, the negative effect of this music can not be held, seriously nobody sees, so keep up the good work." 

And now we're asking ourselves why our children have no conscience, why they can not tell good from bad, why they did not hesitate to kill strangers, their classmates, and themselves. Perhaps if we think about it seriously and permanently, we can figure it out. I think that dealing with the fact that "you reap what you sow." 

One young man wrote: "Dear Lord, why do not you save the little girl, who was killed right in your classroom? Sincerely Yours, anxious student." Here's the answer: "Dear anxious student, I was not allowed in school. Sincerely yours, God." 

Funny how people can easily get rid of God and then wonder why the world turns into hell. 

It's funny, when we believe what the newspapers say, and we doubt that the Bible says. 

Funny, when everyone wants to go to heaven without believing, without thinking, without saying and doing nothing of what the Bible says. 

Funny when someone says "I believe in God", but he should be Satan, too, by the way, "believing" in God. 

It's funny, when we are so easy to judge, and so it is difficult to be judged by others. 

Funny when stupid jokes travel at the speed of light, but people will think twice whether to share with your friends status or memo, which refers to God. 

Funny when all obscene, profane, lewd and vulgar quietly located on the Internet while at school or at work, open discussion about God is impossible. 

It's funny, when you can be "all hands" of Christ on Sunday, but be invisible Christian the rest of the week. You are not laughing? 

Anna Graham

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